Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Freedom of Opinion is outlawed by the society

Do you know how often I hear other people asking me about my opinion?
Do you know how often they reject my answer?
Uncountable often. I can't stand it anymore.

Everyone is always pretending to be something they are not.
And their sanctimoniousness is making me want to barf on them!
They all say you can like, love and think,
whatever you want to. It's on you.
But why does the society consider you as an outsider
or tasteless idiot, when you're not giving a sh*t about what other people think and say,
when you pick your very own favorites that differ from the others?

You know what I think?
Yes, you are allowed to have your own opinion, as long as it coincides the ideal of the society.
(and I'm not talking about politics at all).
There is a huge difference between opinion, giving your opinion and just being mean.

How is it possible...
....that I have bad taste in anything just because I prefer this from that?
Why am I stupid, ignorant and tasteless, when I build my own beliefs?
Why is it so hard for you to understand that I am not aiming for anyone's
acceptance (besides from my true friends and family).
Honestly, I decide when I want to be happy and I decide if I like the way I am.
Please don't use to words like tasteless and absurd phrases like "You have good taste".

You know, I always thought YOUR music was something, you could not only feel in the way it was performed what you felt, the lyrics also showed you your relation to it. It kind of shows you that you're not the only one who suffers from this or that. But nowadays its only the reputation of the artist, the image you get and the sound that counts.

I know there is a huge difference between, if you really like something,
or if you pretend to like something to brag about and show it off or just to be different from others and there are maybe some people
that think the same way as others do.

Anyways, I may overreacted, but I was and still am angry and just to finish this thingy (I through lots of words in the dictionary sooop):

The society and your surrounding decides whether you have style or good taste, but only you decide if you really like what you like.

Does this even make sense?
-Hah, I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. GIRL that is a very righteous post. I was raised in a neglectful household, so as I grew I formed my own opinions about alot of things. Because of the neglect, I guess, I was able to become ME. People have ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS tried to tell me how to think, how to act, how to be 'like them' even though people are different all over the world and my intelligence and artistic nature would have been cherished somewhere else. I am now 46 years old and my family members (who never helped me or my sister by the way) STILL act offended, try to tell me to change my MAKEUP my CLOTHES the music I listen to, my opinions on people; tell me not to do this, not to say that, as if they think I will change. It has caused me problems all my life to refuse to change, but by god, I won't fucking do it. People always want freedom of speech ONLY if it agrees with what they fucking believe.

    You go girl. You are NOT overreacting. It is a worldwide phenomenon of people in different cultures telling people who want to be free and individual how BAD or WRONG or stupid, fucked up, whorish (it's really bad against women) they are if they are not like everyone else ;'(


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