It is December and - like other people like to call it - it is Christmas time. For some hypocritical people, Christmas should be reserved for Christians and other Jesus-lovers. And as I read several stupid articles, watched some videos and overheard some conversations in my bus, I really got inspired to tell you (with probably over 50% being against me) what the TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS NOWADAYS is.
It is not about Jesus or Horus, I know its called "Christmas" (mainly in the english-speaking world). Don't tell me that - nowadays,- we - the people living in developed part of the world - not associate Christmas with Santa Clause, presents, christmas movies and music, gingerbread, turkey, christmas trees, decoration sweets, mistletoes, family reunions and all that yummy stuff. Cause thats what all the "very Christians" called the beauty of Christmas, not Jesus birthday. If you'd really celebrate his birthdays you wouldn't do it with all this rendering effimate stuff (maybe you don't but 99% of people do). Maybe you say you could, maybe you did once or more, but tell me that you could do it forever. I mean not a single Christmas with swapping presents, eating christmas themed stuff, baking those cakes and cookies, hanging up mistletoes, buying and decorating your Christmas tree, spreading your house with cinamon smell, watching or listening to Christmas movies and songs. NOT A SINGLE OF THESE, NOT ONE, NO EXEPTION.
So please don't phrohibit the not believers or human who were raised with a different religion to buy a christmas themed chocolate bar! Thats just mean, you don't have to right to do it. You can't just....forget it, I'm just gonna narrate you some sad christmas stories.
Christmas nowadays?
- A tradition.
My opinion (as if I haven't said enough :P):
Christmas should be for everyone who wants to celebrate it. And for the ones who want to do it for Jesus and insist on other people not doing it? Well, if you tell me once again what I do not deserve then go home and die. (Yes, I've heard it quite often, lol and I don't even celebrate it....:/) There's a difference between Christmas and Christmas
My opinion (as if I haven't said enough :P):