Well the, now let's take a sneak peek at the opposite sex....
I am going to tell you about the 5 types of austrian girls I know. I live in Austria (small country beyond Germany) - Maybe you know different types, I can imagine that it differs from country to country. Leave a comment, if you are totally in my opinion or if you know similar one's!!!
Well, this is of course a topic for you guys!! Read and leave a post about what you think about us girls...
TYPE 1#: The mean girls
The mean girls..... awwww... I think the word speaks for itself....
Their hobbies are backbiting, looking into mirrors...
They think they are fashionistas and their word is law!!! Everyone who shares different interests or dresses not like they do, is out!!! (That sucks!!)
Always remind... mean girls are fake!!! They pretend to be chummy with each other, but they aren't!!!! Their whole relationships are based on LIES!!!
TYPE 2#: The wannabe mean girls
Thats an easy one... They try hard to be a mean girl. They want to belong to them and they are their secret obsession. they want to belong to the mean girl and do everything for them.
The mans girls are friendly to them and pretend to like they, but just because they are no threat for them. You see yourself as a figure of fun.
If you can relate to this description, I recommend you to give up and hang out with the outsiders (TYPE 4#). They are better friend for you.. Don't waste your time to chase after an ideal you can never reach. The mean girls won't accept you in their territory!
TYPE 3#: The nerd
She seems to be a girl that has fallen out of an ancient movie....They have never owned a mascara or a foundation and have never heard about Bobbi Brown or Giorgio Armani... They just don't care about their care appearance.
The mean girls label them as boring because they have different interests. Actually, if you talk to them and get to know them better you will be astonished to find out, that they are just different in the way they look. They are also funny and disgusting and pessimistic about the future.
TYPE 4#: The outsiders
Each of them has her own style and personality. They are perverse and self-confident or brave and perverse or even bored or shy. They own facebook!!! None of them desperately wants the whole universe revolving around them. Although the outsiders don't know a lot of boys, they are a real threat for the mean girls. Mean girls hate them and they always show their dislike.
TYPE 5#: The Nerds
see TYPE 4#
xoxo Hannah
Meine Güte dieser ganze Blog ist so ... falsch.
ReplyDeleteHaltet ihr es für eine gesunde Einstellung, Individuen (!) in derartige Gruppen einzusteilen.
Ich nehme schwer an ihr wollt ein wenig für Gerechtigkeit sorgen, weil ihr möglicherweise unpopulär seid oder keinem gängigen Schönheitsideal entspreicht, aber ist es nicht paradox, dass ihr euch mithilfe der selben Mittel an der Gesellschaft rächen wollt?
Besonders in eurem Fall kann ich das nicht verstehen, ihr seid doch gute Schüler, ihr werdet mit Selbstbewusstsein überhäuft und trotzdem scheint ihr einen Minderwertigkeitskomplex zu haben.
Ihr selbst achtet genauso wie alle anderen nur auf Oberflächlichkeiten, und das ist kein Urteil.
Es ist vollkommen natürlich, urteilen über ander Menschen kann nur oberflächlich sein. Mir geht es nur darum, dass ihr diese Schwarz-Weiß-Perspektive ablegt.
Hoffentlich habt ihr etwas begriffen, obwohl dieser Text ziemlich unstruktiert und aus der Emotion heraus geschrieben ist.